Matrix Message Sign
Discover the versatility and value of full-size, full-matrix Wanco Variable Message Signs (VMS) in the State of Washington. These VMS displays are the perfect choice for efficiently disseminating critical information to the public, and here’s why:
The full matrix design of these Variable Message Signs offers unmatched flexibility in conveying messages of all sizes, from large letters to intricate graphics and symbols. This adaptability makes them an ideal solution for a diverse range of applications. With a multitude of functions and customizable options, these signs exhibit exceptional versatility in meeting your specific needs.
In the ever-evolving landscape of traffic management and public communication in Washington, our Variable Message Signs (VMS) stand as invaluable tools for delivering essential information. Explore the limitless possibilities they offer and empower yourself with a dynamic means of conveying messages effectively and efficiently. Choose Wanco VMS displays for the State of Washington and take your communication strategies to the next level.
- Easiest programming in the industry
- Multiple alphanumeric fonts make message clear and legible
- Low power consumption and more uptime
- 360-degree display rotation for optimal positioning
- Standard tow hitch and removable drawbar
- Durable powder-coat finish
- Model #WTMMB